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Sauna Therapy lecture

350 € (+ VAT 24%)

Duration: 60 min

Venue: Can be implemented in a conference room, restaurant or other indoor space. Does not require a sauna. Ask more at info@terhen.fi

Lecturer: Terhi Ruutu is a trained sauna therapist, author of the book Hoitava sauna and founder of Terhen Oy.


Discover the secrets of sauna

The inspiring lecture introduces the special features of the Finnish sauna, the health effects of the sauna, the healing nature and the unique treatment tradition.

The purpose of the lecture is to inspire you to take advantage of the sauna

as a form of treatment and give plenty of tips on how everyone can take care of themselves

with sauna. The lecture can be combined with a light treatment, such as a foot bath.


In a connection with the lecture, you will also get acquainted with Terhen’s sauna products.


Price 350 € (+ VAT 24%) Including 10 people, additional persons 30 € (+ VAT 24%) / person.



Foot baths, clay mask and neck shoulder bath

Each 10 € (+ VAT) / person

As a treatment package 25 € (+ VAT) / person


Book your event: info@terhen.fi or call +358 40 184 8803



No later than 14 working days before we charge a € 50 processing fee.

7-3 business days before we charge 50% of the event price.

1-2 days before we charge 100% of the event price.

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As a member of the community, you’ll be the first to hear about our events and receive recipes that pamper your body and mind for holistic well-being. When ordering our Sauna Therapy book, our new friends will receive a Terhen sauna fragrance for free.

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